Let’s talk about money!
How are your finances?
Are your finances a continual stress, or are you on a great path to retirement & helping others? If you’re doing well, be sure to look for opportunities to bless the lives of others with the wealth you have. If you’d like to be able to help, but can’t yet & have no plan in place, here’s an option! Dave Ramsey has helped so many people with their finances. He’s fun to listen to also. =)
The number one thing to remember is…..SPEND LESS THAN YOU MAKE! If you do that, you’ll always be ahead. However, if that’s not you, I have great news. You can change! Start today & you’ll be so grateful you did. =)
Which one are you?
Do you make good money, but never seem to have any left? You need to be on a budget, my friend! Here’s a great FREE budgeting app.
You’re on a budget, but still can’t get ahead. You need some options! Have you ever thought of a side hustle? There are so many direct sales companies these days! Check out this link to see some of the top ones listed. While it is not as well known, or even on that list, my personal favorite is Norwex! =)
Maybe you’re not into sales or you just want to move up in your company. This guy is amazing at helping you find purpose & passion in work!
What about your kids?!
Kids are never too young to learn about finances. In fact, the younger they are when you start talking to them about money, the better off they’ll be!
There are many different strategies to teaching kids about money. For an in depth plan, check out “Smart Money, Smart Kids” by Rachel Cruze. You can check it out from the library or purchase it online. It’s a great book!